Hafsa Himdi

Hafsa Himdi

Hafsa Himdi is 38 years old, mother of two and has been working at PVH for five years. We meet Hafsa in the pick and pack department where she puts her work down for a while to tell us all about working at PVH.

How did you end up working here?
"A friend of mine had been working here for a long time. When I was looking for a job five years ago, she asked me if I wanted to join the team. I started here as a temporary worker. Yet, I didn't work for that temporary agency for a very long time. I got a permanent contract fairly quickly. If you do your job well, PVH sees that immediately and you get a certain appreciation in return." 

What do you think of your work?
"I have been working here for five years now and I still enjoy it. You can execute different roles within your department. Today I happen to be packing but often I work here as a helper. Then I go along with colleagues to help them. There are also days when I am fully occupied with picking. Every day is different. In the morning you get a planning from the supervisor. Then you just get to work and work through your list. When that's finished you also know you're done working."

You just mentioned that you have two children, is the work easy to combine with home?
"Certainly, in almost all departments within PVH you only work the day shift. During that time, my children are at school. I have always worked full-time, you don't hear that much here. In contrast to other companies, you can also work part-time here. That is ideal when your children are not going to school yet.

There are so many possibilities here. You can indicate how many and which days you would like to work. Would you like to work three, four or five days? You can. Would you like to work the day shift? That’s okay. Would you like to work in two shifts? That’s fine as well. You can even work weekends if you'd like."

What do you like best about working at PVH?
"The atmosphere. My colleagues and my supervisors are nice. The environment is multicultural, which is nice. I was born in Morocco and that's where I studied as well. My English was pretty good back then, but I didn't know Dutch at all. When I moved to the Netherlands and started to learn Dutch, the English language dropped away completely. Since I have been working here, I have noticed that my English is improving again. I understand German better and better, and I intend to learn it more. I am even starting to understand Polish. You try to get close to your colleagues to build a nice bond. Respect and knowledge of each other's culture and language are just part of it, I think."

What do you prefer to do outside of working hours?
"My hobbies are listening to music and going out to eat. Do you know what I also love to do? I draw. I used to make drawings of fashion. And look where I work now! I'm the first to see what fashion is coming up and it's fun to then use that for my drawings." 

What does your future look like here at PVH?
"I'm having a good time, so my plan is to definitely keep working here. In the future, I might also want to work two shifts in the e-commerce department. My husband also works two shifts so we can alternate and there is always someone with the children. I really like that flexibility here."

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HR Advisor


Inbound employee


Supervisor e-commerce

Pick & pack

Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

E-commerce employee

Pick & pack


Pick & pack

E-Commerce Officer


Assistant coordinator

Pick & pack

Assistant supervisor

Pick & pack

What our employees say


Serge Jespers

E-commerce employee

The organization really listens to you and makes sure you perform work that suits you. If you indicate that a certain job doesn't suit you or that you find a certain assignment a bit more difficult, that's no problem at all.

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Rik Hoeijmakers

Supervisor inbound

I know exactly what I can get out of PVH, and that works the other way around as well. What I also like is that we really look at whether the work suits a person.

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Hafsa Himdi

Pick & pack employee

There are so many possibilities here. You can indicate how many and which days you would like to work. Would you like to work three, four or five days? You can.

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Emilia Palubiak

Pick & pack employee

We have a very nice international team. Everyone is open and tolerant towards each other. If you look around you can see that there are many different people working here.

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Zbigniew Szukalski

Pick & pack employee

I've been working here for over six years now and I'm not looking for anything else. I can work incredibly well with my supervisor.

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Clim linssen

Outbound employee

The work is not all the same and the people are not all the same. It's a bit of a mix of everything and anything, which only enhances the atmosphere.

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Rowie Linssen

HR Advisor

I personally like an open, approachable, no-nonsense culture. When I walked in here four years ago, I experienced that immediately. Everyone is helpful and wants to achieve the best result for the organization.

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