Rik Hoeijmakers

Rik Hoeijmakers

Rik Hoeijmakers is 36 years old and has been working at PVH for over 20 years. We meet Rik at the inbound department where he works as a supervisor. All our products arrive at the inbound department. Our employees here process these products and ensure that they end up in the right place. How does this work exactly? Rik tells us all about it!

Could you tell us something about your own work?
"My work mainly consists of managing my team. I make sure that we work productively and efficiently. A helicopter view is very important on the job. What does my working day look like? In the morning I open the department. As soon as the employees arrive, I check whether everyone is present. Then we get to work. At 16.45 we stop working. That's a big advantage of working at PVH: fixed working hours on the day shift." 

What does the process of the inbound department look like?
"In the Inbound department we receive items from all over the world. After we receive them, the team gets to work and starts unloading the goods. There are other team members who sort and open the boxes. All products are taken out of the boxes and get scanned by the team. We distribute them on pallets and those pallets then go further within PVH to the appropriate follow-up department." 

Sounds like a versatile department....
"It is. It's the most versatile department within PVH. That has always attracted me as well. I started at the outbound department twenty years ago. I soon made the step to inbound. You're not just physically active either, you also have to think carefully about what you are doing. For example: how are you going to put the products away? Part of the job involves working with an electric pallet truck or reach truck, which is a nice change of pace at our department."

What do you enjoy most about working at PVH?
"The diversity. The people who work here, the cultures but also the work itself. No two days are the same. You work with well-known brands. Especially in the inbound department you see all the products coming in, so you get a good impression of the trends for the next season." 

You've been working here for 20 years now, what makes PVH a nice employer?
"I like it very much. I know exactly what I can get out of PVH, and that works the other way around as well. What I also like is that we really look at whether the work suits a person. To give an example: my department consists of men and women. I would never let a woman unload, unless she really wants to. This is physical work which is heavier than the other work. Women are mainly involved in picking up goods, work that men generally find less enjoyable.

When you start working at PVH, you will not immediately know and do everything. But as you get going, your work becomes broader and broader. You really get the chance to develop yourself and learn new things. As a supervisor, I try to give that space and freedom to my team as well." 


HR Advisor


Inbound employee


Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

E-commerce employee

Pick & pack


Pick & pack

What our employees say


Serge Jespers

E-commerce employee

The organization really listens to you and makes sure you perform work that suits you. If you indicate that a certain job doesn't suit you or that you find a certain assignment a bit more difficult, that's no problem at all.

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Rik Hoeijmakers

Supervisor inbound

I know exactly what I can get out of PVH, and that works the other way around as well. What I also like is that we really look at whether the work suits a person.

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Hafsa Himdi

Pick & pack employee

There are so many possibilities here. You can indicate how many and which days you would like to work. Would you like to work three, four or five days? You can.

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Emilia Palubiak

Pick & pack employee

We have a very nice international team. Everyone is open and tolerant towards each other. If you look around you can see that there are many different people working here.

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Zbigniew Szukalski

Pick & pack employee

I've been working here for over six years now and I'm not looking for anything else. I can work incredibly well with my supervisor.

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Clim linssen

Outbound employee

The work is not all the same and the people are not all the same. It's a bit of a mix of everything and anything, which only enhances the atmosphere.

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Rowie Linssen

HR Advisor

I personally like an open, approachable, no-nonsense culture. When I walked in here four years ago, I experienced that immediately. Everyone is helpful and wants to achieve the best result for the organization.

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