Serge Jespers

Serge Jespers

Serge Jespers is 37 years old. In his free time, he loves mountain biking and fitness. During working hours you can find him on our e-commerce department. Serge has been a part of our team for three years. He tells us all about working at PVH.

Could you tell us something about your daily job?
“Sure. I work as a helper. That means that I can work at several places at this department. A department consists of sub-sections and as a helper I will help wherever I’m needed. Right at this moment, we’re at the Deposit section. This is the place where we pack the more expensive products, like watches and earrings. I’m working here today, but tomorrow I’ll probably work at a different section such as Sort to Light. At that section the large orders that the pickers collected are broken down into the actual customer orders."

Sounds like a very diverse position....
"It is! That's what keeps my job fun, too. It is quite intensive; you walk and stand a lot. But the colleagues here make it a very pleasant job. If you look around, you see many different cultures. You really get to know these cultures and that is nice. It broadens your horizon; if I hadn't worked here, that would have never happened. Another plus: I’m keeping my English and German up to date, haha."

We are now in the e-commerce department. What is it like to work here?
"Fun! In this department we work in two shifts, unlike the rest of PVH. One week you have to work from 6.00 to 15.00 and the other week you will work from 15.00 to 22.45. We started working like this during the corona crisis. This department has grown so much during the crisis that we had to be flexible. Working in two shifts also has its advantages, like receiving sufficient allowances to compensate."

Now, you work with products of Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein every day. Do you like those brands?
"Every time I go into a store, I always take a look at the Tommy and Calvin clothing. I already did that before I started working here, but now of course even more. Last week, for example, I ordered shoes of Calvin Klein myself. You just know that the order comes from this department, which is really funny. I can follow my order and see at which table it was packed at. Everything you order from these brands comes from PVH Venlo. Pretty special, I really didn't know this before I came to work here." 

What do you think of PVH as an employer?
"For me personally: outstanding. The best I've had so far. The organization really listens to you and makes sure you perform work that suits you. If you indicate that a certain job doesn't suit you or that you find a certain assignment a bit more difficult, that's no problem at all. We also get nice perks. At Christmas and every summer PVH organizes staff parties. Very nice!" 

Would you recommend others to work at PVH?
"Definitely! Especially because the atmosphere here is so nice. With other jobs I could sometimes get into a rut. That is absolutely not the case here. The company is so big that if, for example, I notice that I don't feel quite right in the e-commerce department, I can always let them know. PVH will do their best to see if another department suits me better and if there is room for me there."


HR Advisor


Inbound employee


Supervisor e-commerce

Pick & pack

Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

E-commerce employee

Pick & pack


Pick & pack

E-Commerce Officer


Assistant coordinator

Pick & pack

Assistant supervisor

Pick & pack

What our employees say


Serge Jespers

E-commerce employee

The organization really listens to you and makes sure you perform work that suits you. If you indicate that a certain job doesn't suit you or that you find a certain assignment a bit more difficult, that's no problem at all.

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Rik Hoeijmakers

Supervisor inbound

I know exactly what I can get out of PVH, and that works the other way around as well. What I also like is that we really look at whether the work suits a person.

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Hafsa Himdi

Pick & pack employee

There are so many possibilities here. You can indicate how many and which days you would like to work. Would you like to work three, four or five days? You can.

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Emilia Palubiak

Pick & pack employee

We have a very nice international team. Everyone is open and tolerant towards each other. If you look around you can see that there are many different people working here.

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Zbigniew Szukalski

Pick & pack employee

I've been working here for over six years now and I'm not looking for anything else. I can work incredibly well with my supervisor.

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Clim linssen

Outbound employee

The work is not all the same and the people are not all the same. It's a bit of a mix of everything and anything, which only enhances the atmosphere.

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Rowie Linssen

HR Advisor

I personally like an open, approachable, no-nonsense culture. When I walked in here four years ago, I experienced that immediately. Everyone is helpful and wants to achieve the best result for the organization.

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