Zbigniew Szukalski

Zbigniew Szukalski 

Zbigniew Szukalski started working at PVH at age 60 and he still enjoys doing so. Zbigniew may be 66 now, but we hardly know anyone who is fitter than him. His hobby is bodybuilding. At home, he has all the tools to carry out his hobby and that hobby also comes in handy during his work at PVH.

Could you tell us a bit more about your work?
"I work as a picker and packer at PVH. What you get to do on a day is always a surprise. You clock in in the morning and then your supervisor tells you what work is waiting for you. When I start picking, I look for the items on the order lists that we receive from the supervisor. If I work as a packer, I get those items from the pickers and then pack them. Then they are shipped to the customer."

So which do you enjoy doing more? Picking or Packing?
"I like doing both if I’m honest. When I think about it, I don’t pick more than I pack or the other way around. It's very evenly matched. It doesn't matter that much to me. There are colleagues here who have a clear preference and that's fine too. They can indicate this and PVH will see what they can do for them."

How do you like working at PVH?
"Very much. I've been working here for over six years now and I'm not looking for anything else. I can work incredibly well with my supervisor. That makes communication and working easy for me."

What do you like most about your work?
"I really like the colleagues. Everyone is nice and helps each other out. You don't see that often in a company. We work with many nationalities and that's what makes it so much fun. Even though we all speak a different language, we understand each other like no one else. That is great, isn't it? The work itself is also fine, not too heavy but you can keep yourself busy the entire day."

Would you also recommend others to come and work here?
"Yes, 100%. We still need a lot of new staff, so everyone is welcome!"

Zbigniew Szukalski

HR Advisor


Inbound employee


Pick & pack employee

Pick & pack

E-commerce employee

Pick & pack


Pick & pack

What our employees say


Serge Jespers

E-commerce employee

The organization really listens to you and makes sure you perform work that suits you. If you indicate that a certain job doesn't suit you or that you find a certain assignment a bit more difficult, that's no problem at all.

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Rik Hoeijmakers

Supervisor inbound

I know exactly what I can get out of PVH, and that works the other way around as well. What I also like is that we really look at whether the work suits a person.

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Hafsa Himdi

Pick & pack employee

There are so many possibilities here. You can indicate how many and which days you would like to work. Would you like to work three, four or five days? You can.

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Emilia Palubiak

Pick & pack employee

We have a very nice international team. Everyone is open and tolerant towards each other. If you look around you can see that there are many different people working here.

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Zbigniew Szukalski

Pick & pack employee

I've been working here for over six years now and I'm not looking for anything else. I can work incredibly well with my supervisor.

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Clim linssen

Outbound employee

The work is not all the same and the people are not all the same. It's a bit of a mix of everything and anything, which only enhances the atmosphere.

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Rowie Linssen

HR Advisor

I personally like an open, approachable, no-nonsense culture. When I walked in here four years ago, I experienced that immediately. Everyone is helpful and wants to achieve the best result for the organization.

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